10 days in, 356 days remaining
Today's Temps
High (Day-Time): 83/28C, feels like 85F/29C
Low (Night-Time): 75F/24C, feels like 75F/24C
Local Weather
Partly Sunny & HOT with a brief shower or two possible.
Fair weather conditions will continue at least until Thursday. During this time, limited moisture will allow for a possible brief passing shower or two over parts of the SSS (and surrounding) Islands. Otherwise, seas are gentle to moderate, as breezy conditions have subsided. So this is great weather for beaching, boating, and outdoor activities.
- Winds: are generally from the East-Northeast at 5 to 12 miles per hour.
- Seas: are gentle to moderate with wave heights between 2 to 5 feet.
Special Weather
Tomorrow's Weather
Partly Cloudy & HOT with a passing shower or two possible.
Today's Sunset:
Tomorrow's Sunrise:
In 5 days...
Official Launch: 15 January, 2012
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to current weather conditions
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