Today's Weather Update
As of Wednesday, 12 October, 2011 - 9:30am.
Almanac2011:285 days in, 80 days remaining Hurricane Season: 134 days in, 50 days remaining Today's Temps High: 87/31C, feels like 95F/35 Low: 78F/26C, feels like 84F/29C Local Weather Partly cloudy & HOT, with a few passing showers. As the weak tropical waves moves over the Northeastern Caribbean, a few showers will pass over parts of the SSS (and surrounding) Islands from time to time during the next 24 hours. These showers are forecast to be brief and sporadic in nature and should not cause street-flooding. Furthermore, a slight (warm) breeze with moderate sea conditions will continue for the remainder of the week.
Tropical Weather Active Storms: None.

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