337 days in, 28 days remaining
Today's Temps
High: 85/29C, feels like 93F/34C
Low: 76F/24C, feels like 81F/27C
Local Weather
Partly to Mostly Cloudy with few showers throughout the day.
As a small area of disturbed weather moves across the Northeastern Caribbean, expect periods of showers throughout the weekend over parts of the SSS (and surrounding) Islands. These showers are expected to cause street-flooding in low-lying and flood-prone areas as the land is already saturated. Therefore residents and visitors alike should use caution when traveling through these areas. Otherwise, wind and sea conditions are expected to increase in and around showers -- mariners (boaters & beach-goers) are advised to use caution in thr surrounding waters.
- Winds: are generally from the Northeast at 5 to 12 miles per hour, occasionally higher -- mainly in and around showers.
- Seas: are moderate with wave heights between 3 to 5 feet, possibly higher near showers.
Special Weather
Outlook for tomorrow
Cloudy with few showers throughout the day and a possible thunderstorm or two.
Today's Sunset: 5:35pmTomorrow's Sunrise: 6:29am
Coming Soon...
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