343 days in, 22 days remaining
Today's Temps
High: 86/30C, feels like 96F/36C
Low: 77F/25C, feels like 79F/26C Mostly Sunny & HOT with a brief shower or two possible.
An area of disturbed weather located near the local region will induce chances for shower activity during the upcoming weekend. Therefore, expect a few brief showers over parts of the SSS (and surrounding) Islands from time to time as early as tonight. These showers will be accompanied by increased wind and sea conditions. Mariners (especially small-boat operators) are advised to use caution in the surrounding waters. Additionally, most of the shower activity should subside by Sunday
- Winds: are generally from the Northeast at 5 to 15 miles per hour, occasionally higher gusts up to 20mph.
- Seas: are moderate with wave heights between 2 to 6 feet -- with the highest waves over the Atlantic open waters.
Special Weather
Outlook for tomorrow
Partly Sunny & Breezy with a few brief showers throughout the day and slight chance of thunder.
Today's Sunset:
Tomorrow's Sunrise:
Coming Soon... Our very own website:
Be on the look out and stay tuned for what we have to offer! |
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