Before a Hurricane
1. Make an Emergency Supply Kit:
- Important Family Documents (eg: I.D., insurance, bank),
- Water (1 gallon/person/day for min. 3 days),
- Non-Perishable Food (for min. 3 days), Non-Electric Can Opener,
- Battery-Powered Radio, Flashlight, Extra Batteries,
- Candles, Matches (in a waterproof container),
- First Aid Kit, Whistle (to signal for help),
- Cell Phone(s) & Chargers (solar charger, if available),
- Prescription Medication, Baby Formula & Diapers,
- Extra Cash (banks & ATM’s may be temporarily unavailable),
- Complete Change of Clothing (per person),
- Feminine Supplies & Personal Hygiene Items,
- Paper/Plastic Utensils (plates, cups, etc.),
- Household Bleach (to disinfect & purify water), Garbage Bags, Insect Repellent,
- Fire Extinguisher, Heavy Duty Gloves (for cleaning up & clearing debris),
- Multi-purpose Knife, Duct Tape, Rope,
- Books/Games/Puzzles/Writing Utensils (to keep children busy).

2. Make a Plan/Prepare your family:
- Identify an out-of-town contact (as a central link for separated family members);
- Ensure every family member knows the central contact person & number;
- Teach family members how to use text messaging/SMS (SMS’s are often more efficient when network(s) are having issues/disruptions);
- Prepare to make an informed decision to stay at home or go to a shelter/hotel;
- Make sure your car is filled with gas.
3. *Have a pet plan:
Not all shelters/hotels accept pets, so find one that does beforehand.
Not all shelters/hotels accept pets, so find one that does beforehand.
4. Prepare/Protect your property:
- Check if insurance is up-to-date;
- Ensure to have enough ply-wood to cover all windows (preferably cut to window-size);
- Plan to bring in all outdoor furniture, decorations, garbage cans, and anything else that is not tied down;
- Keep all trees & outdoor plants well trimmed (to protect from wind damage);
- Turn refrigerator thermostat to its coldest setting & keep its doors closed (if power-outage is imminent);
- Fill the bathtub and/or other large containers with water (for sanitary purposes: cleaning & flushing toilets);
- Store & use generator in a properly ventilated area (NOT indoors);
- Take pictures of personal property (including furniture, clothing, valuables, and building);
- Remove or take down TV antennas & satellite dishes;
- Tape windows to reduce flying glass.

5. Be informed:
- Get familiar with hurricane terms & warnings;
- Know how to react once a hurricane watch/warning is issued.
~ Note: Hurricanes are classified into five categories based on their wind speed, central pressure, and damage potential. Category 3 and higher hurricanes are considered major hurricanes, though Categories 1 and 2 are still extremely dangerous and warrant your full attention. ~
- Be ready to put your plan & preparation into action;
- Pay attention to local weather reports on radio/TV/other news media (eg: internet) for weather updates;
- Listen to authorities for official instructions & procedures.
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