267 days in, 98 days remaining
Hurricane Season:
116 days in, 68 days remaining
Today's Temps
High: 87/31C, feels like 94F/34C
Low: 79F/26C, feels like 84F/29C
Local Weather
Partly Cloudy & Breezy with a few passing showers from time to time.
As the approach of Tropical Storm Ophelia pushes the system of high pressure out of the local region, chances for shower activity will increase throughout the day. Fairly breezy conditions will continue, and sea conditions will become fairly rough later today. Therefore, mariners (especially small-craft operators) should exercise caution in the surrounding and open waters.
- Winds: are generally from the East at 8 to 18 miles per hour, with occasional higher gusts.
- Seas: are moderate to fairly choppy with wave heights between 3 to 7 feet; becoming rough with waves upto 8 feet.
Tropical Weather
Active Storms: Tropical Storm Ophelia, Tropical Depression 17.
* As of 5am this morning, Tropical Storm Ophelia was located at 16.9N 55.2W or about 430mi E of the Lesser Antilles and had winds of 50mph. Ophelia is moving toward the Northwest at 14mph and is expected to change little in strength as it approaches near the local region. TS Ophelia is forecast to pass just north of the local region on Sunday, bringing limited effects to the SSS (and surrounding) Islands: some passing showers and little to no significant wind impact, as most of the tropical-storm-force winds remain to the north of Ophelia's center.
* The tropical wave that formed off the African coast yesterday has developed into Tropical Depression 17 earlier this morning, and as of 5am was located at 10.7N 25.2W or about 290mi South of the Cape Verde Islands (near Africa). TD17 had winds of 35mph and is forecast to continue strengthening during the next 48 hours. This system also has the potential to become Tropical Storm Philippe later today; however, does not pose a threat to any land area for the next several days.
We will continue to monitor the progress of these systems.
Special Weather
Outlook for tomorrow
Mostly Sunny with a shower or two possible from time to time.
Today's Sunset: 6:07pmTomorrow's Sunrise: 6:01am
Do you have any Weather Photos?
If you have any footage of heavy showers, flooding, clouds, sea conditions, or anything that you would like to share that is weather-related,
please send them to
with the location of each photo.
We will post them on our FaceBook Fan Page
and our (future) website.
Thank you for sharing and be safe!
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