Today's Weather Update
As of Friday, 30 September, 2011 - 8:30am.
273 days in, 92 days remaining
Hurricane Season:
122 days in, 62 days remaining
Today's Temps
High: 86/30C, feels like 93F/34C
Low: 79F/26C, feels like 83F/28C
Local Weather
Partly Cloudy & HOT, with a few passing showers possible.
As (recently-upgraded) Hurricane Ophelia continues to move away from the local region, lingering moisture can produce a couple brief showers over parts of the SSS (and surrounding) Islands throughout the day. Therefore, HOT conditions and fair weather are forecast for this weekend. Also, winds are light to moderate and may slightly increase in and around showers, while sea conditions are mild to fairly choppy.
- Winds: are generally from the South at 5 to 10 miles per hour, with occasional higher gusts up to 15mph near showers.
- Seas: are moderate with wave heights between 3 to 6 feet; and possibly higher in and around showers.
Tropical Weather
Active Storms: Hurricane Ophelia, Tropical Storm Philippe.
* Ophelia intensified to hurricane-strength yesterday and as of 8am this morning was located at 22.9N 62.7W or about 335mi North of the local region. Ophelia had winds of 105mph (Cat.2) and is moving towards the North-Northwest at 9mph. Ophelia is also expected to further intensify, as it moves further away from the Northeastern Caribbean and closer to Bermuda.
* As of 5am this morning, Tropical Storm Philippe was located at 21.9N 44.9W or about 1150mi East of the Lesser Antilles. TS Philippe had winds of 45mph and is moving toward the Northwest at 13mph, bringing it to about where Ophelia is today within a week. This system is also expected to strengthen over the next 48 hours, before weakening.
We will continue to monitor the progress of these systems.
Special Weather
Outlook for tomorrow
Mostly Sunny & HOT with a shower or two possible.

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Today's Weather Update
As of Friday, 30 September, 2011 - 8:30am.
Almanac2011:273 days in, 92 days remaining Hurricane Season: 122 days in, 62 days remaining Today's Temps High: 86/30C, feels like 93F/34C Low: 79F/26C, feels like 83F/28C Local Weather Partly Cloudy & HOT, with a few passing showers possible. As (recently-upgraded) Hurricane Ophelia continues to move away from the local region, lingering moisture can produce a couple brief showers over parts of the SSS (and surrounding) Islands throughout the day. Therefore, HOT conditions and fair weather are forecast for this weekend. Also, winds are light to moderate and may slightly increase in and around showers, while sea conditions are mild to fairly choppy.
Tropical Weather Active Storms: Hurricane Ophelia, Tropical Storm Philippe. * Ophelia intensified to hurricane-strength yesterday and as of 8am this morning was located at 22.9N 62.7W or about 335mi North of the local region. Ophelia had winds of 105mph (Cat.2) and is moving towards the North-Northwest at 9mph. Ophelia is also expected to further intensify, as it moves further away from the Northeastern Caribbean and closer to Bermuda. * As of 5am this morning, Tropical Storm Philippe was located at 21.9N 44.9W or about 1150mi East of the Lesser Antilles. TS Philippe had winds of 45mph and is moving toward the Northwest at 13mph, bringing it to about where Ophelia is today within a week. This system is also expected to strengthen over the next 48 hours, before weakening. We will continue to monitor the progress of these systems.

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